Technical committee on Sensors and Actuators

Field of Technical Committee on Sensor and Actuators

Technical Committee on Sensors and Actuators ( TC-SA ) seeks new sensors and actuators for human support technologies in the daily life and wide variety of productions. Human support technologies enable new man-man/man-machine communications to have the comfortable life and to support aged peoples. The coverage fields of the TC-SA are as follows;

  1. Sensors for control systems
  2. Actuators for control systems
  3. Haptics and force control
  4. New sensing structure and new actuation system
  5. Fault tolerance of sensor and actuator for control applications
  6. Sensing system and Actuator for precise control
  7. New integration of sensors and actuators
  8. Intelligent sensors and signal processing
  9. Intelligent actuators
  10. Robot sensing systems
  11. Robot actuation systems
  12. Bio-sensing and signal processing
Intelligent sensors, Sensor fusion, Robot sensing systems, Robot vision systems, Force sensors, Haptic interfaces, Tactile sensors, Biosensors, Simultaneous localization and mapping,
Intelligent actuators, Microactuators, Pneumatic actuators, Electric motors, Servomotors, Intelligent control, Motion control, Robot control, Force control, Sensorless control